How to Make Automatic Battery Charger

This is a battery charger circuit, this circuit has advantages, which can cut off electrical charging of the battery automatically. Voltage sensor used in this circuit is the LM301 IC2. This sensor serves to disconnect the battery if the charging voltage has reached the limit. LM350 is a variable volt regulator IC that functions asContinue reading “How to Make Automatic Battery Charger”

What is TIMER in Embedded Electronics?

Timer is kind of interrupt. It is like a simple clock that can measure the time interval of an event. Every microcontroller has a clock (oscillator), say in Arduino Uno it is 16Mhz. This is responsible for speed. Higher the clock frequency, higher will be the processing speed. A timer uses a counter which countsContinue reading “What is TIMER in Embedded Electronics?”

The Raspberry Pi Pico Tutorial

You must have heard about the new Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller board. It is the newest member of the Raspberry Pi Family, so it is now important for every electronics enthusiast to learn about the New Raspberry Pi Pico. The Raspberry Pi pico is a small, fast, and versatile board that is equipped with theContinue reading “The Raspberry Pi Pico Tutorial”

Distance Measurement using Ultrasonic Sensor and Arduino

As you have read in the title this project is based on an Ultrasonic Sensor and an Arduino. The project is taken from Circuit Digest which aims to measure the distance between an obstacle and our Arduino. An ultrasonic sensor is an electronic device that measures the distance of a target object by emitting ultrasonic sound waves, and convertsContinue reading “Distance Measurement using Ultrasonic Sensor and Arduino”

Basic Working Principle of Relay – Construction and Types

Today’s blog is not about a project. Today you will get to learn the very basic electronics component that is a Relay. Almost each and every electronics project have relays installed in it. A relay is an electrically operated switch. It consists of a set of input terminals for a single or multiple control signals,Continue reading “Basic Working Principle of Relay – Construction and Types”

Today you will be making an Arduino Based Weight Measurement machine with load cells. Weighing capacity depends on the capacity of load cells so if you want to increase the weighing capacity of the machine you need to increase the capacity of load cells. The main component required to build this Arduino weighing scale is a sensorContinue reading

DIY Arduino Light Catcher Game

For the first time, I am bringing you an article from Instructables. This tutorial is a bit typical of the projects you have done earlier. Today, you will make an Arduino based arcade game. In this game, you need to push the button when the RED LED Glows. It will have some levels when youContinue reading “DIY Arduino Light Catcher Game”

IoT Based Water Flow Meter

Today’s project is taken from IoTDesignPro. You will be making a water flow meter through today’s tutorial. The main aim of making this project is to use the water effectively to save it. Although there are already some water flow meters available in the market but they are too expensive to buy. This project isContinue reading “IoT Based Water Flow Meter”

Simple Water Level Indicator Alarm with Buzzer

Today, I am sharing an article which guides us to make a Simple water level indicator and alerts us with an alarm when it gets filled up. 4 LED’s are used in the project to indicate the water level and an alarm buzzer for the time when it is about to get filled up toContinue reading “Simple Water Level Indicator Alarm with Buzzer”

Arduino Temperature Control – Adjust Fan Speed based on Temperature

Are you too lazy to move and change the speed of your Fan when temperature changes? Well then this project is for you. Unlike AC’s fans cannot adjust their speed on their own according to temperature change. But you can modify your table fan to make it change its speed according to the temperature. InContinue reading “Arduino Temperature Control – Adjust Fan Speed based on Temperature”

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