What is TIMER in Embedded Electronics?

Timer is kind of interrupt. It is like a simple clock that can measure the time interval of an event. Every microcontroller has a clock (oscillator), say in Arduino Uno it is 16Mhz. This is responsible for speed. Higher the clock frequency, higher will be the processing speed. A timer uses a counter which countsContinue reading “What is TIMER in Embedded Electronics?”

Today you will be making an Arduino Based Weight Measurement machine with load cells. Weighing capacity depends on the capacity of load cells so if you want to increase the weighing capacity of the machine you need to increase the capacity of load cells. The main component required to build thisĀ Arduino weighing scaleĀ is a sensorContinue reading

DIY Arduino Light Catcher Game

For the first time, I am bringing you an article from Instructables. This tutorial is a bit typical of the projects you have done earlier. Today, you will make an Arduino based arcade game. In this game, you need to push the button when the RED LED Glows. It will have some levels when youContinue reading “DIY Arduino Light Catcher Game”

Arduino Temperature Control – Adjust Fan Speed based on Temperature

Are you too lazy to move and change the speed of your Fan when temperature changes? Well then this project is for you. Unlike AC’s fans cannot adjust their speed on their own according to temperature change. But you can modify your table fan to make it change its speed according to the temperature. InContinue reading “Arduino Temperature Control – Adjust Fan Speed based on Temperature”

Arduino Based Obstacle Avoiding Robot

I am back with another amazing project, this time from Circuit Digest. This tutorial guides you to make an obstacle avoiding robot that turns itself in another direction to avoid any obstacle. This robot is fully autonomous and can be used for various purposes. It can be generally used at places where humans cannot reach.Continue reading “Arduino Based Obstacle Avoiding Robot”

Track A Vehicle on Google Maps using Arduino, ESP8266 and GPS

What if there is a device that can track your vehicle wherever it goes? In case your vehicle gets stolen it becomes easy for the police to get your vehicle back. Sounds interesting! right? Circuit Digest has built an advanced Vehicle Tracking System which tracks your vehicle on google maps. The location coordinates of theContinue reading “Track A Vehicle on Google Maps using Arduino, ESP8266 and GPS”

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